Video Production





Inclusive Projects and work history

  • Freelance Media Producer/Videographer - January 2021 - Present

    My passion is creating media that connects, features, and empowers local disability communities. I have the equipment and skillset to cover a wide range of professional videography, photography, audio, and online marketing needs. Click through my portfolio to see my work.

  • Board Member - March 2022-Present

    The Seattle PlayGarden is an inclusive park that partners with the city and and local organizations to offer preschool and summer camp opportunities for people of all abilities. Over the years, I have helped create marketing content and worked as a camp counselor and Open Play staff member (April 2019 - September 2021).

  • Promotions/Marketing - June 2019 - Present

    The Here and Now Project is the Washington chapter of the United Spinal Association, which aims to connect and empower the paralysis community by sharing knowledge, providing care baskets, and offering support meetings and adaptive programs. We have collaborated on promotional work to support their events, fundraisers, and communication.

  • Marketing and Strategy - January, 2019 - Present

    I co-created a wheelchair basketball training resource to share concepts and training strategies with the adaptive sports community. The site is currently being used by the International Committee of the Red Cross during training camps around the world.

  • Employment Consultant - October 2019 - December 2020

    I supported people with disabilities through the employment process to ensure that they are meeting workplace goals. Job duties included advocacy, documentation, job coaching, and management of communication.

  • Volunteer Communications/Marketing, Social Media - June 2019 - Present

    SAS is an adaptive sports program for people with physical disabilities in the Greater Seattle area. I passionately serve my local community through promotional work, coaching, and playing for the wheelchair basketball team.



Graphic Design


Writing Samples

For more information, references, or a resume, please contact me directly at